Each Unique Specimen
South Carolina Review, 56.2 (Spring 2024): 2-20
Where the West Begins
New England Review, 43.3 (Fall 2022): 114-131
In the Shadow of the Architect
New Letters, 88.1&2 (Winter/Spring 2022): 48-80
Scuttling and Creeping
Colorado Review, 48.2 (Summer 2021): 10-28
Legendary Americans on Wheels
Beloit Fiction Journal, 34 (Spring 2021): 102-122
The Mask of Cajolo
EPOCH, 68.3 (Fall 2019): 344-361
Relatable Influence
The Missouri Review, 41.4 (Winter 2018): 134-161
Reprinted in Strange Encounters (TMR Press, 2021): 115-146
Read an interview with Bradley in TMR online.
The Second Kalevala
Hayden’s Ferry Review, 61 (Fall/Winter 2017): 94-106
Prism Review, 19 (2017): 51-68
In the Presence of the Actor
Copper Nickel, 24 (Spring 2017): 33-43
The Beard of Human Weakness
Web Conjunctions (January 19, 2016)
Crimes of the Video Age (includes audio, read by Bradley)
New Ohio Review, 14 (Fall 2013): 120-130
"Bazzle’s story is one of the finest I have ever read; it channels Bradbury to address serious social realities with a near Shakespearean scope." ― Mary Florio, New Pages (more)
A Complaint
NER Digital (September 4, 2013)
Cinder Blocks
EPOCH, 62, No. 1 (February 2013): 3-25
The Case Against Dr. Smetana
Phoebe, 41, No. 2 (Spring 2012)
"Fanciful, strange, and absurd" – David Backer, Fiction Daily
The Milkman
The Beloit Fiction Journal, 25 (Spring 2012): 66-75
The Iowa Review, 41, No. 3 (Winter 2011-2012): 1-15
"A delightful, alchemical mixture of realism and complete bullshit . . . the most thrilling story I read the entire year." – Bryan Castille, Fiction Editor, The Iowa Review (more)
Gift Horse
New England Review, 31, No. 4 (Winter 2010-2011): 54-68
Bramilton’s Fury
Splash of Red (July 9, 2010)
The List
Cold Mountain Review, 37, No. 2 (Spring 2009): 61-64
The Dictionary
Opium, 7 (2008): 95-97